We have also ben enjoying the first of our melons. I've counted about 10 melons of the cantaloupe/galia/honeydew sort and maybe 5 or 6 watermelons. The galias are ripening first, I think the cantaloupes then honeydews, followed by watermelons will be next, over the course of about 4 or 5 weeks. A really tasty summer! Here is a ripe melon.
I was riding my bike home from the library the other day and came across a fig tree (that I have admittedly gone past for this very purpose several times before) LOADED with ripe figs, in the front yard of a house being 'flipped'. No one lives there and the ground below the tree was covered in ripe and rotting figs. So, naturally, I spent about ten minutes picking figs to take home. I would say I picked about 2 quarts of ripe figs. If you have ever eaten warm, ripe figs right off of the tree, you will understand that 2 quarts (half a gallon!) of such fruit is a real prize.
It took about 2 days to eat them all. Here they are. Our own fig tree is still far too small to produce any quantity of fruit, but perhaps in a few years it will be loaded down, too.